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OR-ing Terms

Regular expression terms can be OR’ed with the ‘|’ operator.A match is made when the argument string matches at least one of the terms:

'Nektarin' similar to 'Nek|tarin'              -- false
'Nektarin' similar to 'Nektarin|Persika'       -- true
'Nektarin' similar to 'M_+|N_+|P_+'            -- true

One or more parts of the regular expression can be grouped into subexpressions (also called subpatterns) by placing them between parentheses (‘(’ and ‘)’).A subexpression is a regular expression in its own right.It can contain all the elements allowed in a regular expression, and can also have quantifiers added to it.

'Orange' similar to 'O(ra|ri|ro)nge'           -- true
'Orange' similar to 'O(r[a-e])+nge'            -- true
'Orange' similar to 'O(ra){2,4}nge'            -- false
'Orange' similar to 'O(r(an|in)g|rong)?e'      -- true