A question mark (‘?
’) immediately following a character or class indicates that the preceding item may occur 0 or 1 times to match:
'Hallon' similar to 'Hal?on' -- false
'Hallon' similar to 'Hal?lon' -- true
'Hallon' similar to 'Halll?on' -- true
'Hallon' similar to 'Hallll?on' -- false
'Hallon' similar to 'Halx?lon' -- true
'Hallon' similar to 'H[a-c]?llon[x-z]?' -- true
An asterisk (‘*
’) immediately following a character or class indicates that the preceding item may occur 0 or more times to match:
'Icaque' similar to 'Ica*que' -- true
'Icaque' similar to 'Icar*que' -- true
'Icaque' similar to 'I[a-c]*que' -- true
'Icaque' similar to '_*' -- true
'Icaque' similar to '[[:ALPHA:]]*' -- true
'Icaque' similar to 'Ica[xyz]*e' -- false
A plus sign (‘+
’) immediately following a character or class indicates that the preceding item must occur 1 or more times to match:
'Jujube' similar to 'Ju_+' -- true
'Jujube' similar to 'Ju+jube' -- true
'Jujube' similar to 'Jujuber+' -- false
'Jujube' similar to 'J[jux]+be' -- true
'Jujube' sililar to 'J[[:DIGIT:]]+ujube' -- false
If a character or class is followed by a number enclosed in braces (‘{
’ and ‘}
’), it must be repeated exactly that number of times to match:
'Kiwi' similar to 'Ki{2}wi' -- false
'Kiwi' similar to 'K[ipw]{2}i' -- true
'Kiwi' similar to 'K[ipw]{2}' -- false
'Kiwi' similar to 'K[ipw]{3}' -- true
If the number is followed by a comma (‘,
’), the item must be repeated at least that number of times to match:
'Limone' similar to 'Li{2,}mone' -- false
'Limone' similar to 'Li{1,}mone' -- true
'Limone' similar to 'Li[nezom]{2,}' -- true
If the braces contain two numbers separated by a comma, the second number not smaller than the first, then the item must be repeated at least the first number and at most the second number of times to match:
'Mandarijn' similar to 'M[a-p]{2,5}rijn' -- true
'Mandarijn' similar to 'M[a-p]{2,3}rijn' -- false
'Mandarijn' similar to 'M[a-p]{2,3}arijn' -- true
The quantifiers ‘?
’, ‘*
’ and ‘+
’ are shorthand for {0,1}
, {0,}
and {1,}
, respectively.