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Within regular expressions, most characters represent themselves.The only exceptions are the special characters below:

[ ] ( ) | ^ - + * % _ ? { }

... and the escape character, if it is defined.

A regular expression that contains no special characters or escape characters matches only strings that are identical to itself (subject to the collation in use).That is, it functions just like the ‘=’ operator:

'Apple' similar to 'Apple'  -- true
'Apples' similar to 'Apple' -- false
'Apple' similar to 'Apples' -- false
'APPLE' similar to 'Apple'  -- depends on collation

The known SQL wildcards ‘_’ and ‘%’ match any single character and a string of any length, respectively:

'Birne' similar to 'B_rne'   -- true
'Birne' similar to 'B_ne'    -- false
'Birne' similar to 'B%ne'    -- true
'Birne' similar to 'Bir%ne%' -- true
'Birne' similar to 'Birr%ne' -- false

Notice how ‘%’ also matches the empty string.