SHOW PROCedures [name]
This command lists all user-defined procedures created in the current database.The second form of the command shows the details and source code for a specific procedure.See also the [isql-show-functions] and [isql-show-triggers] commands.
SQL> show procedures; ADD_EMP_PROJ; Dependencies: EMPLOYEE_PROJECT (Table), UNKNOWN_EMP_ID (Exception) ALL_LANGS; Dependencies: JOB (Table), SHOW_LANGS (Procedure) SQL> show procedure all_langs; Procedure text: ============================================================================= BEGIN FOR SELECT job_code, job_grade, job_country FROM job INTO :code, :grade, :country DO BEGIN FOR SELECT languages FROM show_langs (:code, :grade, :country) INTO :lang DO SUSPEND; /* Put nice separators between rows */ code = '====='; grade = '====='; country = '==============='; lang = '=============='; SUSPEND; END END ============================================================================= Parameters: CODE OUTPUT VARCHAR(5) GRADE OUTPUT VARCHAR(5) COUNTRY OUTPUT VARCHAR(15) LANG OUTPUT VARCHAR(15)
Since Firebird 5.0, isql
lists procedures and packaged procedures in the same way, where the latter are displayed in the form <package-name>.<procedure-name>
of Firebird 3.0 and 4.0 displayed procedures and packaged procedures differently.