SHOW TRIGgers [name]
This command lists all user-defined triggers in the current database.The second form of the command shows the details and source code for a specific trigger.See also the [isql-show-procedures] and [isql-show-functions] commands.
SQL> show triggers; SET_CUST_NO; Table: CUSTOMER SAVE_SALARY_CHANGE; Table: EMPLOYEE SET_EMP_NO; Table: EMPLOYEE POST_NEW_ORDER; Table: SALES SQL> show trigger set_cust_no; Triggers on Table CUSTOMER: SET_CUST_NO, Sequence: 0, Type: BEFORE INSERT, Active Trigger text: ============================================================================= AS BEGIN if (new.cust_no is null) then new.cust_no = gen_id(cust_no_gen, 1); END =============================================================================