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Assigning Roles

Assigning a role is similar to granting a privilege.One or more roles can be assigned to one or more users, including the user PUBLIC, using one GRANT statement.


The optional WITH ADMIN OPTION clause allows the users specified in the user list to grant the role(s) specified to other users or roles.


It is possible to assign this option to PUBLIC.Do not do this!

For cumulative roles, a user can only exercise the WITH ADMIN OPTION of a secondary role if all intermediate roles are also granted WITH ADMIN OPTION.That is, GRANT ROLEA TO ROLE ROLEB WITH ADMIN OPTION, GRANT ROLEB TO ROLE ROLEC, GRANT ROLEC TO USER USER1 WITH ADMIN OPTION only allows USER1 to grant ROLEC to other users or roles, while using GRANT ROLEB TO ROLE ROLEC WITH ADMIN OPTION allows USER1 to grant ROLEA, ROLEB and ROLEC to other users.