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Grants privileges and assigns roles

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Syntax (granting privileges)
GRANT <privileges>
  TO <grantee_list>
  [{GRANTED BY | AS} [USER] grantor]

<privileges> ::=
    <table_privileges> | <execute_privilege>
  | <usage_privilege>  | <ddl_privileges>
  | <db_ddl_privilege>

<table_privileges> ::=
  {ALL [PRIVILEGES] | <table_privilege_list> }
    ON [TABLE] {table_name | view_name}

<table_privilege_list> ::=
  <table_privilege> [, <tableprivilege> ...]

<table_privilege> ::=
  | UPDATE [(col [, col ...])]
  | REFERENCES [(col [, col ...)]

<execute_privilege> ::= EXECUTE ON
  { PROCEDURE proc_name | FUNCTION func_name
  | PACKAGE package_name }

<usage_privilege> ::= USAGE ON
  { EXCEPTION exception_name
  | {GENERATOR | SEQUENCE} sequence_name }

<ddl_privileges> ::=
  {ALL [PRIVILEGES] | <ddl_privilege_list>} <object_type>

<ddl_privilege_list> ::=
  <ddl_privilege> [, <ddl_privilege> ...]

<ddl_privilege> ::= CREATE | ALTER ANY | DROP ANY

<object_type> ::=

<db_ddl_privileges> ::=
  {ALL [PRIVILEGES] | <db_ddl_privilege_list>} {DATABASE | SCHEMA}

<db_ddl_privilege_list> ::=
  <db_ddl_privilege> [, <db_ddl_privilege> ...]

<db_ddl_privilege> ::= CREATE | ALTER | DROP

<grantee_list> ::= <grantee> [, <grantee> ...]

<grantee> ::=
    PROCEDURE proc_name  | FUNCTION func_name
  | PACKAGE package_name | TRIGGER trig_name
  | VIEW view_name       | ROLE role_name
  | [USER] username      | GROUP Unix_group
  | SYSTEM PRIVILEGE <sys_privilege>

<sys_privilege> ::=
 !! See CREATE ROLE !!
Syntax (granting roles)
GRANT <role_granted_list>
  TO <role_grantee_list>
  [{GRANTED BY | AS} [USER] grantor]

<role_granted_list> ::=
  <role_granted> [, <role_granted ...]

<role_granted> ::= [DEFAULT] role_name

<role_grantee_list> ::=
  <role_grantee> [, <role_grantee> ...]

<role_grantee> ::=
  | USER username
  | ROLE role_name
Table 1. GRANT Statement Parameters
Parameter Description


The user granting the privilege(s)


The name of a table


The name of a view


The name of table column


The name of a stored procedure


The name of a stored function (or UDF)


The name of a package


The name of an exception


The name of a sequence (generator)


The type of metadata object


The name of a trigger


Role name


The username to which the privileges are granted to or to which the role is assigned.If the USER keyword is absent, it can also be a role.


The name of a user group in a POSIX operating system


A system privilege


Name of a user or role

The GRANT statement grants one or more privileges on database objects to users, roles, or other database objects.

A regular, authenticated user has no privileges on any database object until they are explicitly granted to that individual user, to a role granted to the user as a default role, or to all users bundled as the user PUBLIC.When an object is created, only its creator (the owner) and administrators have privileges to it, and can grant privileges to other users, roles, or objects.

Different sets of privileges apply to different types of metadata objects.The different types of privileges will be described separately later in this section.


SCHEMA is currently a synonym for DATABASE;this may change in a future version, so we recommend to always use DATABASE

The TO Clause

The TO clause specifies the users, roles, and other database objects that are to be granted the privileges enumerated in privileges.The clause is mandatory.

The optional USER keyword in the TO clause allow you to specify exactly who or what is granted the privilege.If a USER (or ROLE) keyword is not specified, the server first checks for a role with this name and, if there is no such role, the privileges are granted to the user with that name without further checking.


It is recommended to always explicitly specify USER and ROLE to avoid ambiguity.Future versions of Firebird may make USER mandatory.

  • When a GRANT statement is executed, the security database is not checked for the existence of the grantee user.This is not a bug: SQL permissions are concerned with controlling data access for authenticated users, both native and trusted, and trusted operating system users are not stored in the security database.

  • When granting a privilege to a database object other than user or role, such as a procedure, trigger or view, you must specify the object type.

  • Although the USER keyword is optional, it is advisable to use it, to avoid ambiguity with roles.

  • Privileges granted to a system privilege will be applied when the user is logged in with a role that has that system privilege.

Packaging Privileges in a ROLE Object

A role is a “container” object that can be used to package a collection of privileges.Use of the role is then granted to each user or role that requires those privileges.A role can also be granted to a list of users or roles.

The role must exist before privileges can be granted to it.See CREATE ROLE for the syntax and rules.The role is maintained by granting privileges to it and, when required, revoking privileges from it.When a role is dropped  — see DROP ROLE — all users lose the privileges acquired through the role.Any privileges that were granted additionally to an affected user by way of a different grant statement are retained.

Unless the role is granted as a default role, a user that is granted a role must explicitly specify that role, either with their login credentials or activating it using SET ROLE, to exercise the associated privileges.Any other privileges granted to the user or received through default roles are not affected by explicitly specifying a role.

More than one role can be granted to the same user.Although only one role can be explicitly specified, multiple roles can be active for a user, either as default roles, or as roles granted to the current role.

A role can be granted to a user or to another role.

Cumulative Roles

The ability to grant roles to other roles and default roles results in so-called cumulative roles.Multiple roles can be active for a user, and the user receives the cumulative privileges of all those roles.

When a role is explicitly specified on connect or using SET ROLE, the user will assume all privileges granted to that role, including those privileges granted to the secondary roles (including roles granted on that secondary role, etc).Or in other words, when the primary role is explicitly specified, the secondary roles are also activated.The function RDB$ROLE_IN_USE can be used to check if a role is currently active.

See also [fblangref50-security-grant-role-default] for the effects of DEFAULT with cumulative roles, and [fblangref50-security-grant-withadminoption] for effects on granting.