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Permitted Changes to Triggers

  • Status (ACTIVE | INACTIVE)

  • Phase (BEFORE | AFTER) (of DML triggers)

  • Events (of DML triggers)

  • Position in the firing order

  • Modifications to code in the trigger body

If an element is not specified, it remains unchanged.


A DML trigger cannot be changed to a database or DDL trigger.

It is not possible to change the event(s) or phase of a database or DDL trigger.


The BEFORE keyword directs that the trigger be executed before the associated event occurs;the AFTER keyword directs that it be executed after the event.

More than one DML event — INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE — can be covered in a single trigger.The events should be separated with the keyword OR.No event should be mentioned more than once.

The keyword POSITION allows an optional execution order (“firing order”) to be specified for a series of triggers that have the same phase and event as their target.The default position is 0.If no positions are specified, or if several triggers have a single position number, the triggers will be executed in the alphabetical order of their names.

Who Can Alter a Trigger?

DML triggers can be altered by:

  • Administrators

  • The owner of the table (or view)

  • Users with — for a table — the ALTER ANY TABLE, or — for a view — ALTER ANY VIEW privilege

Database and DDL triggers can be altered by: