Examples of DDL Triggers
Here is how you might use a DDL trigger to enforce a consistent naming scheme, in this case, stored procedure names should begin with the prefix “
”:set auto on; create exception e_invalid_sp_name 'Invalid SP name (should start with SP_)'; set term !; create trigger trig_ddl_sp before CREATE PROCEDURE as begin if (rdb$get_context('DDL_TRIGGER', 'OBJECT_NAME') not starting 'SP_') then exception e_invalid_sp_name; end!
create procedure sp_test as begin end! create procedure test as begin end! -- The last command raises this exception and procedure TEST is not created -- Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000 -- exception 1 -- -E_INVALID_SP_NAME -- -Invalid SP name (should start with SP_) -- -At trigger 'TRIG_DDL_SP' line: 4, col: 5 set term ;!
Implement custom DDL security, in this case restricting the running of DDL commands to certain users:
create exception e_access_denied 'Access denied'; set term !; create trigger trig_ddl before any ddl statement as begin if (current_user <> 'SUPER_USER') then exception e_access_denied; end!
create procedure sp_test as begin end! -- The last command raises this exception and procedure SP_TEST is not created -- Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000 -- exception 1 -- -E_ACCESS_DENIED -- -Access denied -- -At trigger 'TRIG_DDL' line: 4, col: 5 set term ;!
NoteFirebird has privileges for executing DDL statements, so writing a DDL trigger for this should be a last resort, if the same effect cannot be achieved using privileges.
Use a trigger to log DDL actions and attempts:
create sequence ddl_seq; create table ddl_log ( id bigint not null primary key, moment timestamp not null, user_name varchar(63) not null, event_type varchar(25) not null, object_type varchar(25) not null, ddl_event varchar(25) not null, object_name varchar(63) not null, sql_text blob sub_type text not null, ok char(1) not null ); set term !; create trigger trig_ddl_log_before before any ddl statement as declare id type of column ddl_log.id; begin -- We do the changes in an AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION, so if an exception happens -- and the command didn't run, the log will survive. in autonomous transaction do begin insert into ddl_log (id, moment, user_name, event_type, object_type, ddl_event, object_name, sql_text, ok) values (next value for ddl_seq, current_timestamp, current_user, rdb$get_context('DDL_TRIGGER', 'EVENT_TYPE'), rdb$get_context('DDL_TRIGGER', 'OBJECT_TYPE'), rdb$get_context('DDL_TRIGGER', 'DDL_EVENT'), rdb$get_context('DDL_TRIGGER', 'OBJECT_NAME'), rdb$get_context('DDL_TRIGGER', 'SQL_TEXT'), 'N') returning id into id; rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'trig_ddl_log_id', id); end end!
The above trigger will fire for this DDL command.It’s a good idea to use
when working with them!create trigger trig_ddl_log_after after any ddl statement as begin -- Here we need an AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION because the original transaction -- will not see the record inserted on the BEFORE trigger autonomous -- transaction if user transaction is not READ COMMITTED. in autonomous transaction do update ddl_log set ok = 'Y' where id = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'trig_ddl_log_id'); end! commit! set term ;! -- Delete the record about trig_ddl_log_after creation. delete from ddl_log; commit;
-- This will be logged one time -- (as T1 did not exist, RECREATE acts as CREATE) with OK = Y. recreate table t1 ( n1 integer, n2 integer ); -- This will fail as T1 already exists, so OK will be N. create table t1 ( n1 integer, n2 integer ); -- T2 does not exist. There will be no log. drop table t2; -- This will be logged twice -- (as T1 exists, RECREATE acts as DROP and CREATE) with OK = Y. recreate table t1 ( n integer ); commit;
select id, ddl_event, object_name, sql_text, ok from ddl_log order by id; ID DDL_EVENT OBJECT_NAME SQL_TEXT OK === ========================= ======================= ================= ====== 2 CREATE TABLE T1 80:3 Y ==================================================== SQL_TEXT: recreate table t1 ( n1 integer, n2 integer ) ==================================================== 3 CREATE TABLE T1 80:2 N ==================================================== SQL_TEXT: create table t1 ( n1 integer, n2 integer ) ==================================================== 4 DROP TABLE T1 80:6 Y ==================================================== SQL_TEXT: recreate table t1 ( n integer ) ==================================================== 5 CREATE TABLE T1 80:9 Y ==================================================== SQL_TEXT: recreate table t1 ( n integer ) ====================================================
[fblangref50-ddl-trgr-alter], [fblangref50-ddl-trgr-crtalter], [fblangref50-ddl-trgr-recreate], [fblangref50-ddl-trgr-drop], DDL Triggers in Chapter Procedural SQL (PSQL) Statements