Syntax: SQL Regular Expressions
The following syntax defines the SQL regular expression format.It is a complete and correct top-down definition.It is also highly formal and long, and may be daunting to anyone who hasn’t already some experience with regular expressions (or with highly formal, rather long top-down definitions).Feel free to skip it and read the next section, Building Regular Expressions, which uses a bottom-up approach, aimed at the rest of us.
<regular expression> ::= <regular term> ['|' <regular term> ...] <regular term> ::= <regular factor> ... <regular factor> ::= <regular primary> [<quantifier>] <quantifier> ::= ? | * | + | '{' <m> [,[<n>]] '}' <m>, <n> ::= unsigned int, with <m> <= <n> if both present <regular primary> ::= <character> | <character class> | % | (<regular expression>) <character> ::= <escaped character> | <non-escaped character> <escaped character> ::= <escape-char> <special character> | <escape-char> <escape-char> <special character> ::= any of the characters []()|^-+*%_?{} <non-escaped character> ::= any character that is not a <special character> and not equal to <escape-char> (if defined) <character class> ::= '_' | '[' <member> ... ']' | '[^' <non-member> ... ']' | '[' <member> ... '^' <non-member> ... ']' <member>, <non-member> ::= <character> | <range> | <predefined class> <range> ::= <character>-<character> <predefined class> ::= '[:' <predefined class name> ':]' <predefined class name> ::= ALPHA | UPPER | LOWER | DIGIT | ALNUM | SPACE | WHITESPACE