Displays the commandline options and switches.
gbak:Usage: gbak -b <db set> <backup set> [backup options] [general options] gbak -c <backup set> <db set> [restore options] [general options] <db set> = <database> | <db1 size1>...<dbN> (size in db pages) <backup set> = <backup> | <bk1 size1>...<bkN> (size in bytes = n[K|M|G]) -recreate overwrite and -replace can be used instead of -c gbak:legal switches are: -B(ACKUP_DATABASE) backup database to file -C(REATE_DATABASE) create database from backup file (restore) -R(ECREATE_DATABASE) [O(VERWRITE)] create (or replace if OVERWRITE used) database from backup file (restore) -REP(LACE_DATABASE) replace database from backup file (restore) gbak:backup options are: -CO(NVERT) backup external files as tables -E(XPAND) no data compression -FA(CTOR) blocking factor -G(ARBAGE_COLLECT) inhibit garbage collection -IG(NORE) ignore bad checksums -L(IMBO) ignore transactions in limbo -NOD(BTRIGGERS) do not run database triggers -NT Non-Transportable backup file format -OL(D_DESCRIPTIONS) save old style metadata descriptions -T(RANSPORTABLE) transportable backup -- data in XDR format -ZIP backup file is in zip compressed format gbak:restore options are: -BU(FFERS) override page buffers default -FIX_FSS_D(ATA) fix malformed UNICODE_FSS data -FIX_FSS_M(ETADATA) fix malformed UNICODE_FSS metadata -I(NACTIVE) deactivate indexes during restore -K(ILL) restore without creating shadows -MO(DE) <access> "read_only" or "read_write" access -N(O_VALIDITY) do not restore database validity conditions -O(NE_AT_A_TIME) restore one table at a time -P(AGE_SIZE) override default page size -REPLICA <mode> "none", "read_only" or "read_write" replica mode -USE_(ALL_SPACE) do not reserve space for record versions gbak:general options are: -CRYPT crypt plugin name -D(IRECT_IO) direct IO for backup file(s) -FE(TCH_PASSWORD) fetch password from file -KEYHOLDER name of a key holder plugin -KEYNAME name of a key to be used for encryption -M(ETA_DATA) backup or restore metadata only -PAR(ALLEL) parallel workers -PAS(SWORD) Firebird password -RO(LE) Firebird SQL role -SE(RVICE) use services manager -SKIP_D(ATA) skip data for table -INCLUDE(_DATA) backup data of table(s) -ST(ATISTICS) TDRW show statistics: T time from start D delta time R page reads W page writes -TRU(STED) use trusted authentication -USER Firebird user name -V(ERIFY) report each action taken -VERBI(NT) <n> verbose information with explicit interval -Y <path> redirect/suppress status message output -Z print version number gbak:switches can be abbreviated to the unparenthesized characters
The links are not present in the actual gbak output.
The parentheses shown in the above indicates how much of the switch name you need to use to avoid ambiguity.In this manual we indicate this with square brackets instead.Once you have specified the absolute minimum — the part before the opening ‘(’ — or ‘[’ — you can use as much of what follows as you wish.For example, to use the -b[ackup_database]
switch the minimum you must supply on the command line is -b
but anything between -b
and -backup_database
will be accepted.
The -? switch was introduced in Firebird 2.5, but older versions will also display the usage (together with an error) when an invalid switch is provided.