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 Procedural SQL (PSQL)Compatibility Issues 

Parallel sweep and ICU dependencies rebuild

Vlad Khorsun

Tracker tickets: #7447, #7550

A new command-line switch has been added to gfix: -PAR[ALLEL] <N>.

It defines how many parallel workers will be used for the requested task.

Usage example:

gfix -sweep -par 4 -user <username> -pass <password> <dbname>
gfix -icu -par 4 -user <username> -pass <password> <dbname>

The -parallel option is only valid in combination with the -sweep and -icu tasks.

ODS upgrade

Dmitry Yemanov

Tracker tickets: #7397

A new command-line switch has been added to gfix: -UP[GRADE].

It allows to upgrade ODS of the database to the latest supported minor version (within the supported major version).

Usage example(s):

gfix -upgrade <dbname> -user <username> -pass <password>