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New system privilege PROFILE_ANY_ATTACHMENT has been added to the engine.

When remote SQL profiling is used and the attachment being profiled is from a different user, the calling user must have this system privilege.

See more details in the [rnfb50-engine-profiler] chapter.

Trace events before a valid security context is established

Alex Peshkov

Tracker ticket: #7165

A privileged trace session (e.g. by an administrator or user with TRACE_ANY_ATTACHMENT) can now report events (i.e. errors) taking place before validation of an attachment’s security context.

As an example:

Set up a conflicting mapping for a user:

# ./isql employee
Database: employee, User: SYSDBA
SQL> create user qq password 'qq';
SQL> create global mapping z1 using * from user qq to user z1;
SQL> create global mapping z2 using * from user qq to user z2;

Because of the conflicting mapping user QQ can not attach to a database even with valid login/password:

# ./isql localhost:employee -user qq -pas qq
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08004
Multiple maps found for QQ
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database

In the trace output one can see the following:

2023-03-17T13:38:41.5240 (25380:0x7f282c10c750) FAILED ATTACH_DATABASE
        employee (ATT_0, QQ, NONE, TCPv4: