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Bug Reporting

Bugs fixed in this release are listed and described in the chapter entitled Bugs Fixed.

  • If you think you have discovered a new bug in this release, please make a point of reading the instructions for bug reporting in the article How to Report Bugs Effectively, at the Firebird Project website.

  • If you think a bug fix has not worked, or has caused a regression, please locate the original bug report in the Tracker, reopen it if necessary, and follow the instructions below.

Follow these guidelines as you attempt to analyse your bug:

  1. Write detailed bug reports, supplying the exact build number of your Firebird kit.Also provide details of the OS platform.

  2. Include reproducible test data in your report and post it to our Tracker.


You will find all the README documents referred to in these notes — as well as many others not referred to — in the doc subdirectory of your Firebird 5.0 installation.

 — The Firebird Project