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MS DTC Transactions

The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) service is a Windows component that is responsible for coordinating transactions that span multiple resource managers, such as database systems, message queues, and file systems.It can perform global, single-phase or two-phase commit transactions involving Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase and other servers that are able to work with it.Our ODBC/JDBC driver provides that capability for Firebird servers.

An Example Using MS DTC
// Include MS DTC specific header files.
#define INITGUID
#include "txdtc.h"
#include "xolehlp.h"

ITransactionDispenser *pTransactionDispenser;
ITransaction *pTransaction;
// Obtain the ITransactionDispenser Interface pointer
// by calling DtcGetTransactionManager()
DtcGetTransactionManager( NULL,// [in] LPTSTR pszHost,
     NULL,// [in] LPTSTR pszTmName,
     IID_ITransactionDispenser,// [in] REFIID rid,
     0,// [in] DWORDdwReserved1,
     0, // [in] WORDwcbReserved2,
     NULL,// [in] void FAR * pvReserved2,
     (void **)&pTransactionDispenser // [out] void** ppvObject
// Establish connection to database on server#1
LogonToDB( &gSrv1 );
// Establish connection to database on server#2
LogonToDB( &gSrv2 );
// Initiate an MS DTC transaction
     NULL,// [in] IUnknown __RPC_FAR *punkOuter,
     NULL,// [in] ITransactionOptions *pOptions
     &pTransaction// [out] ITransaction **ppTransaction
// Enlist each of the data sources in the transaction
SQLSetConnectOption( gSrv1->hdbc, SQL_COPT_SS_ENLIST_IN_DTC, (UDWORD)pTransaction );
SQLSetConnectOption( gSrv2->hdbc, SQL_COPT_SS_ENLIST_IN_DTC, (UDWORD)pTransaction );
// Generate the SQL statement to execute on each of the databases
sprintf( SqlStatement,
  "update authors set address = '%s_%d' where au_id = '%s'",
   gNewAddress, i, gAuthorID );
// Perform updates on both of the DBs participating in the transaction
ExecuteStatement( &gSrv1, SqlStatement );
ExecuteStatement( &gSrv2, SqlStatement );
// Commit the transaction
hr = pTransaction->Commit( 0, 0, 0 );
// or roll back the transaction
//hr = pTransaction->Abort( 0, 0, 0 );

Password Security

When a DSN is created with the username and password in place, the database password is encrypted and is saved in odbc.ini.Alternatively, the login credentials can be entered during the database connection phase or can be passed using the connection string.