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Unpacking the Files

The ODBC/JDBC driver packages for Linux are gzipped tar files.After gunzip they should be processed by tar, or you can rename them to .tar.gz and use a tool such as Midnight Commander to unpack them.

Building from Sources

Building from source code (recommended), requires the development package for unixODBC.Proceed with the following steps:

  1. Download and unpack the Firebird driver sources

  2. Rename makefile.linux in .source/Builds/Gcc.lin to makefile

  3. Set the evironment variables FBINCDIR (Firebird include directory) and FBLIBDIR (Firebird lib directory) if necessary.

  4. Run make which will create the library in a subdirectory

  5. It is possible to copy the library to /usr/local/lib64 or any preferred directory;or run make install to symlink the library from the unixODBC directory