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The Nth value starting from the first or the last row of the current frame

Result type

The same as type as expr

NTH_VALUE ( <expr>, <offset> )
  OVER <window_name_or_spec>
Table 1. Arguments of NTH_VALUE
Argument Description


Expression.May contain a table column, constant, variable, expression, scalar function.Aggregate functions are not allowed as an expression.


The offset in rows from the start (FROM FIRST), or the last (FROM LAST) to get the value identified by expr.offset can be a column, subquery or other expression that results in a positive integer value, or another type that can be implicitly converted to BIGINT.offset cannot be zero or negative.

The NTH_VALUE function returns the Nth value starting from the first (FROM FIRST) or the last (FROM LAST) row of the current frame, see also note on frame for navigational functions.Offset 1 with FROM FIRST is equivalent to FIRST_VALUE, and offset 1 with FROM LAST is equivalent to LAST_VALUE.

Aggregate Functions Inside Window Specification

It is possible to use aggregate functions (but not window functions) inside the OVER clause.In that case, first the aggregate function is applied to determine the windows, and only then the window functions are applied on those windows.


When using aggregate functions inside OVER, all columns not used in aggregate functions must be specified in the GROUP BY clause of the SELECT.

Using an Aggregate Function in a Window Specification
  avg(salary) as avg_salary,
  rank() over (order by avg(salary)) as salary_rank
from employee
group by code_employee_group