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According to the Firebird sources, this will

Restart all requests in the current attachment to utilize the passed transaction.

— src/jrd/tra.cpp

The exact semantics and effects of this clause are not clear, and we recommend you do not use this clause.


Specifying AUTO COMMIT enables auto-commit mode for the transaction.In auto-commit mode, Firebird will internally execute the equivalent of COMMIT RETAIN after each statement execution.


This is not a generally useful auto-commit mode;the same transaction context is retained until the transaction is ended through a commit or rollback.In other words, when you use SNAPSHOT or SNAPSHOT TABLE STABILITY, this auto-commit will not change record visibility (effects of transactions that were committed after this transaction was started will not be visible).

For READ COMMITTED, the same warnings apply as for commit retaining: prolonged use of a single transaction in auto-commit mode can inhibit garbage collection and degrade performance.