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Using the RDB$ADMIN Role in a Regular Database

To exercise their RDB$ADMIN privileges, the role must either have been granted as a default role, or the grantee has to include the role in the connection attributes when connecting to the database, or specify it later using SET ROLE.


Windows Administrators are not automatically granted RDB$ADMIN privileges when connecting to a database (when Win_Sspi is enabled).The AUTO ADMIN MAPPING switch determines whether Administrators have automatic RDB$ADMIN rights, on a database-by-database basis.By default, when a database is created, it is disabled.

If AUTO ADMIN MAPPING is enabled in the database, it will take effect whenever a Windows Administrator connects:

  1. using Win_Sspi authentication, and

  2. without specifying any role

After a successful “auto admin” connection, the current role is set to RDB$ADMIN.

If an explicit role was specified on connect, the RDB$ADMIN role can be assumed later in the session using SET TRUSTED ROLE.