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Specially Privileged Users

In Firebird, the SYSDBA account is a “superuser” that exists beyond any security restrictions.It has complete access to all objects in all regular databases on the server, and full read/write access to the accounts in the security database {secdb}.No user has remote access to the metadata of the security database.

For Srp, the SYSDBA account does not exist by default;it will need to be created using an embedded connection.For Legacy_Auth, the default SYSDBA password on Windows and macOS is “masterkey” — or “masterke”, to be exact, because of the 8-character length limit.


The default password “masterkey” is known across the universe.It should be changed as soon as the Firebird server installation is complete.

Other users can acquire elevated privileges in several ways, some of which depend on the operating system platform.These are discussed in the sections that follow and are summarised in [fblangref50-security-administrators] and [fblangref50-security-sys-privs].


On POSIX systems, including macOS, the POSIX username will be used as the Firebird Embedded username if username is not explicitly specified.