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An administrator is a user that has sufficient rights to read, write to, create, alter or delete any object in a database to which that user’s administrator status applies.The table summarises how “superuser” privileges are enabled in the various Firebird security contexts.

Table 1. Administrator (“Superuser”) Characteristics
User RDB$ADMIN Role Comments



Exists automatically at server level.Has full privileges to all objects in all databases.Can create, alter and drop users, but has no direct remote access to the security database

root user on POSIX


Exactly like SYSDBA.Firebird Embedded only.

Superuser on POSIX


Exactly like SYSDBA.Firebird Embedded only.

Windows Administrator

Set as CURRENT_ROLE if login succeeds

Exactly like SYSDBA if the following are all true:

  • In firebird.conf file, AuthServer includes Win_Sspi, and Win_Sspi is present in the client-side plugins (AuthClient) configuration

  • In databases where AUTO ADMIN MAPPING is enabled, or an equivalent mapping of the predefined group DOMAIN_ANY_RID_ADMINS for the role RDB$ADMIN exists

  • No role is specified at login

Database owner


Like SYSDBA, but only in the databases they own

Regular user

Must be previously granted;must be supplied at login or have been granted as a default role

Like SYSDBA, but only in the databases where the role is granted


Must be previously granted;must be supplied at login or have been granted as a default role

Like SYSDBA, but only in the databases where the role is granted.Firebird Embedded only.

Windows user

Must be previously granted;must be supplied at login

Like SYSDBA, but only in the databases where the role is granted.Only available if in firebird.conf file, AuthServer includes Win_Sspi, and Win_Sspi is present in the client-side plugins (AuthClient) configuration

Fine-grained System Privileges

In addition to granting users full administrative privileges, system privileges make it possible to grant regular users a subset of administrative privileges that have historically been limited to SYSDBA and administrators only.For example:

  • Run utilities such as gbak, gfix, nbackup and so on

  • Shut down a database and bring it online

  • Trace other users' attachments

  • Access the monitoring tables

  • Run management statements

The implementation defines a set of system privileges, analogous to object privileges, from which lists of privileged tasks can be assigned to roles.

It is also possible to grant normal privileges to a system privilege, making the system privilege act like a special role type.

The system privileges are assigned through CREATE ROLE and ALTER ROLE.


Be aware that each system privilege provides a very thin level of control.For some tasks it may be necessary to give the user more than one privilege to perform some task.For example, add IGNORE_DB_TRIGGERS to USE_GSTAT_UTILITY because gstat needs to ignore database triggers.