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Increments a sequence (generator) value and returns its new value

Result type

BIGINT — dialect 2 and 3
INTEGER — dialect 1

GEN_ID (generator-name, step)
Table 1. GEN_ID Function Parameters
Parameter Description


Identifier name of a generator (sequence)


An integer expression of the increment

If step equals 0, the function will leave the value of the generator unchanged and return its current value.

The SQL-compliant NEXT VALUE FOR syntax is preferred, except when an increment other than the configured increment of the sequence is needed.


If the value of the step parameter is less than zero, it will decrease the value of the generator.You should be cautious with such manipulations in the database, as they could compromise data integrity (meaning, subsequent insert statements could fail due to generating of duplicate id values).


In dialect 1, the result type is INTEGER, in dialect 2 and 3 it is BIGINT.