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Examples of CRYPT_HASH

Hashing x with the SHA512 algorithm
select crypt_hash(x using sha512) from y;


Non-cryptographic hash

Result type


HASH (value [USING <hash>])

<hash> ::= CRC32
Table 1. HASH Function Parameter
Parameter Description


Expression of value of any type;non-string or non-binary types are converted to string


Non-cryptographic hash algorithm to apply

HASH returns a hash value for the input argument.If the input argument is not a string or binary type, it is converted to string before hashing.

The optional USING clause specifies the non-cryptographic hash algorithm to apply.When the USING clause is absent, the legacy PJW algorithm is applied;this is identical to its behaviour in previous Firebird versions.

This function fully supports text BLOBs of any length and character set.

Supported algorithms
not specified

When no algorithm is specified, Firebird applies the 64-bit variant of the non-cryptographic PJW hash function (also known as ELF64).This is a fast algorithm for general purposes (hash tables, etc.), but its collision quality is suboptimal.Other hash functions — specified explicitly in the USING clause, or cryptographic hashes through [fblangref50-scalarfuncs-crypthash] — should be used for more reliable hashing.

The HASH function returns BIGINT for this algorithm


With CRC32, Firebird applies the CRC32 algorithm using the polynomial 0x04C11DB7.

The HASH function returns INTEGER for this algorithm.