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By default, the executed SQL statement runs within the current transaction.Using WITH AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION causes a separate transaction to be started, with the same parameters as the current transaction.This separate transaction will be committed when the statement was executed without errors and rolled back otherwise.

The clause WITH COMMON TRANSACTION uses the current transaction whenever possible;this is the default behaviour.If the statement must run in a separate connection, an already started transaction within that connection is used, if available.Otherwise, a new transaction is started with the same parameters as the current transaction.Any new transactions started under the “COMMON” regime are committed or rolled back with the current transaction.


By default, the SQL statement is executed with the privileges of the current user.Specifying WITH CALLER PRIVILEGES combines the privileges of the calling procedure or trigger with those of the user, as if the statement were executed directly by the routine.WITH CALLER PRIVILEGES has no effect if the ON EXTERNAL clause is also present.