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Resets the session state of the current connection to its initial values


Resetting the session can be useful for reusing the connection by a client application (for example, by a client-side connection pool).When this statement is executed, all user context variables are cleared, contents of global temporary tables are cleared, and all session-level settings are reset to their initial values.

It is possible to execute ALTER SESSION RESET without a transaction.

Execution of ALTER SESSION RESET performs the following steps:

  • Error isc_ses_reset_err (335545206) is raised if any transaction is active in the current session other than the current transaction (the one executing ALTER SESSION RESET) and two-phase transactions in the prepared state.

  • System variable RESETTING is set to TRUE.

  • ON DISCONNECT database triggers are fired, if present and if database triggers are not disabled for the current connection.

  • The current transaction (the one executing ALTER SESSION RESET), if present, is rolled back.A warning is reported if this transaction modified data before resetting the session.

  • Session configuration is reset to their initial values.This includes, but is not limited to:

    • DECFLOAT parameters (TRAP and ROUND) are reset to the initial values defined using the DPB at connect time, or otherwise the system default.

    • Session and statement timeouts are reset to zero.

    • The current role is restored to the initial value defined using DPB at connect time, and — if the role changed — the security classes cache is cleared.

    • The session time zone is reset to the initial value defined using the DPB at connect time, or otherwise the system default.

    • The bind configuration is reset to the initial value defined using the DPB at connect time, or otherwise the database or system default.

    • In general, configuration values should revert to the values configured using the DPB at connect time, or otherwise the database or system default.

  • Context variables defined for the USER_SESSION namespace are removed (USER_TRANSACTION was cleared earlier by the transaction roll back).

  • Global temporary tables defined as ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS are truncated (their contents is cleared).

  • ON CONNECT database triggers are fired, if present and if database triggers are not disabled for the current connection.

  • A new transaction is implicitly started with the same parameters as the transaction that was rolled back (if there was a transaction)

  • System variable RESETTING is set to FALSE.

  • The context variables CURRENT_USER and CURRENT_CONNECTION will not be changed.

  • As isql starts multiple transactions for a single connection, ALTER SESSION RESET cannot be executed in isql.