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How the Connection Pool Works

Every successful connection is associated with a pool, which maintains two lists — one for idle connections and one for active connections.When a connection in the “active” list has no active requests and no active transactions, it is assumed to be “unused”.A reset of the unused connection is attempted using an [fblangref50-management-session-reset-alter] statement and,

  • if the reset succeeds (no errors occur) the connection is moved into the “idle” list;

  • if the reset fails, the connection is closed;

  • if the pool has reached its maximum size, the oldest idle connection is closed.

  • When the lifetime of an idle connection expires, it is deleted from the pool and closed.

New Connections

When the engine is asked to create a new external connection, the pool first looks for a candidate in the “idle” list.The search, which is case-sensitive, involves four parameters:

  1. connection string

  2. username

  3. password

  4. role

If a suitable connection is found, it is tested to check that it is still alive.

  • If it fails the check, it is deleted, and the search is repeated, without reporting any error to the client

  • Otherwise, the live connection is moved from the “idle” list to the “active” list and returned to the caller

  • If there are multiple suitable connections, the most recently used one is chosen

  • If there is no suitable connection, a new one is created and added to the “active” list.