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The subject of this volume is Firebird’s implementation of the SQL (“Structured Query Language”) relational database language.Firebird conforms closely with international standards for SQL, from data type support, data storage structures, referential integrity mechanisms, to data manipulation capabilities and access privileges.Firebird also implements a robust procedural language — procedural SQL (PSQL) — for stored procedures, stored functions, triggers, and dynamically-executable code blocks.These areas are addressed in this volume.

This document does not cover configuration of Firebird, Firebird command-line tools, nor its programming APIs.See Firebird RDBMS, and specifically Reference Manuals for more Firebird documentation.


For the Firebird 5.0 version, the Firebird 4.0 Language Reference was taken as the base, and Firebird 5.0 information was added based on the Firebird 5.0 Release Notes and feature documentation.