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REVERSE Examples

reverse ('spoonful')            -- returns 'lufnoops'
reverse ('Was it a cat I saw?') -- returns '?was I tac a ti saW'

This function is useful if you want to group, search or order on string endings, e.g. when dealing with domain names or email addresses:

create index ix_people_email on people
  computed by (reverse(email));

select * from people
  where reverse(email) starting with reverse('.br');


ASCII code from string

Result type


Table 1. ASCII_VAL Function Parameter
Parameter Description


A string of the [VAR]CHAR data type or a text BLOB with the maximum size of 32,767 bytes

Returns the ASCII code of the character passed in.

  • If the argument is a string with more than one character, the ASCII code of the first character is returned.

  • If the argument is an empty string, 0 is returned.

  • If the argument is NULL, NULL is returned.

  • If the first character of the argument string is multi-byte, an error is raised.