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The optional WITH CHECK OPTION clause requires an updatable view to check whether new or updated data meet the condition specified in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement.Every attempt to insert a new record or to update an existing one is checked whether the new or updated record would meet the WHERE criteria.If they fail the check, the operation is not performed and an error is raised.

WITH CHECK OPTION can be specified only in a CREATE VIEW statement in which a WHERE clause is present to restrict the output of the main SELECT statement.An error message is returned otherwise.

Please note:

If WITH CHECK OPTION is used, the engine checks the input against the WHERE clause before passing anything to the base relation.Therefore, if the check on the input fails, any default clauses or triggers on the base relation that might have been designed to correct the input will never come into action.

Furthermore, view fields omitted from the INSERT statement are passed as NULLs to the base relation, regardless of their presence or absence in the WHERE clause.As a result, base table defaults defined on such fields will not be applied.Triggers, on the other hand, will fire and work as expected.

For views that do not have WITH CHECK OPTION, fields omitted from the INSERT statement are not passed to the base relation at all, so any defaults will be applied.

Who Can Create a View?

The CREATE VIEW statement can be executed by:

The creator of a view becomes its owner.

To create a view, a non-admin user also needs at least SELECT access to the underlying table(s) and/or view(s), and the EXECUTE privilege on any selectable stored procedures involved.

To enable insertions, updates and deletions through the view, the creator/owner must also possess the corresponding INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE rights on the underlying object(s).

Granting other users privileges on the view is only possible if the view owner has these privileges on the underlying objects WITH GRANT OPTION.This will always be the case if the view owner is also the owner of the underlying objects.