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A sequence — or generator — is a database object used to get unique number values to fill a series.“Sequence” is the SQL-compliant term for the same thing which — in Firebird — has traditionally been known as “generator”.Firebird has syntax for both terms.

Sequences are always stored as 64-bit integers, regardless of the SQL dialect of the database.


If a client is connected using Dialect 1, the server handles sequence values as 32-bit integers.Passing a sequence value to a 32-bit field or variable will not cause errors as long as the current value of the sequence does not exceed the limits of a 32-bit number.However, as soon as the sequence value exceeds this limit, a database in Dialect 3 will produce an error.A database in Dialect 1 will truncate (overflow) the value, which could compromise the uniqueness of the series.

This section describes how to create, alter, set and drop sequences.



Available in


  [START WITH start_value]
  [INCREMENT [BY] increment]
Table 1. CREATE SEQUENCE Statement Parameters
Parameter Description


Sequence (generator) name.The maximum length is 63 characters


Initial value of the sequence.Default is 1.


Increment of the sequence (when using NEXT VALUE FOR seq_name);cannot be 0.Default is 1.

The statements CREATE SEQUENCE and CREATE GENERATOR are synonymous — both create a new sequence.Either can be used, but CREATE SEQUENCE is recommended as that is the syntax defined in the SQL standard.

When a sequence is created, its current value is set so that the next value obtained from NEXT VALUE FOR seq_name is equal to start_value.In other words, the current value of the sequence is set to (start_value - increment).By default, the start_value is 1 (one).

The optional INCREMENT [BY] clause allows you to specify an increment for the NEXT VALUE FOR seq_name expression.By default, the increment is 1 (one).The increment cannot be set to 0 (zero).The GEN_ID(seq_name, <step>) function can be called instead, to “step” the series by a different integer number.The increment specified through INCREMENT [BY] is not used for GEN_ID.

Non-standard behaviour for negative increments

The SQL standard specifies that sequences with a negative increment should start at the maximum value of the sequence (263 - 1) and count down.Firebird does not do that, and instead starts at 1.

This may change in a future Firebird version.