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Variable, Cursor and Subroutine Declarations

The optional declarations section, located at the start of the body of the procedure definition, defines variables (including cursors) and subroutines local to the procedure.Local variable declarations follow the same rules as parameters regarding specification of the data type.See details in the PSQL chapter for DECLARE VARIABLE, DECLARE CURSOR, DECLARE FUNCTION, and DECLARE PROCEDURE.

External UDR Procedures

A stored procedure can also be located in an external module.In this case, instead of a procedure body, the CREATE PROCEDURE specifies the location of the procedure in the external module using the EXTERNAL clause.The optional NAME clause specifies the name of the external module, the name of the procedure inside the module, and — optionally — user-defined information.The required ENGINE clause specifies the name of the UDR engine that handles communication between Firebird and the external module.The optional AS clause accepts a string literal “body”, which can be used by the engine or module for various purposes.