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Creates a package body

Available in


  [ <package_item> ... ]
  [ <package_body_item> ... ]

<package_item> ::=
  !! See CREATE PACKAGE syntax !!

<package_body_item> ::=
  <function_impl> |

<function_impl> ::=
  FUNCTION funcname [ ( [ <in_params> ] ) ]
  RETURNS <domain_or_non_array_type> [COLLATE collation]

<procedure_impl> ::=
  PROCEDURE procname [ ( [ <in_params> ] ) ]
  [RETURNS (<out_params>)]

<module-body> ::=
  !! See Syntax of Module Body !!

<in_params> ::=
  !! See CREATE PACKAGE syntax !!
  !! See also Rules below !!

<out_params> ::=
  !! See CREATE PACKAGE syntax !!

<domain_or_non_array_type> ::=
  !! See Scalar Data Types Syntax !!
Table 1. CREATE PACKAGE BODY Statement Parameters
Parameter Description


Package name.The maximum length is 63 characters.The package name must be unique among all package names.


Function implementation.Essentially a CREATE FUNCTION statement without CREATE.


Procedure implementationEssentially a CREATE PROCEDURE statement without CREATE.


Function name.The maximum length is 63 characters.The function name must be unique within the package.




Procedure name.The maximum length is 63 characters.The function name must be unique within the package.

The CREATE PACKAGE BODY statement creates a new package body.The package body can only be created after the package header has been created.If there is no package header with name package_name, an error is raised.

All procedures and functions declared in the package header must be implemented in the package body.Additional procedures and functions may be defined and implemented in the package body only.Procedure and functions defined in the package body, but not defined in the package header, are not visible outside the package body.

The names of procedures and functions defined in the package body must be unique among the names of procedures and functions defined in the package header and implemented in the package body.

Package procedure and function names may shadow global routines

If a package header or package body declares a procedure or function with the same name as a stored procedure or function in the global namespace, it is not possible to call that global procedure or function from the package body.In this case, the procedure or function of the package will always be called.

For this reason, it is recommended that the names of stored procedures and functions in packages do not overlap with names of stored procedures and functions in the global namespace.

  • In the package body, all procedures and functions must be implemented with the same signature as declared in the header and at the beginning of the package body

  • The default values for procedure or function parameters cannot be overridden (as specified in the package header or in <package_item>).This means default values can only be defined in <package_body_item> for procedures or functions that have not been defined in the package header or earlier in the package body.


UDF declarations (DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION) are not supported for packages.Use UDR instead.

Who Can Create a Package Body

The CREATE PACKAGE BODY statement can be executed by:

  • Administrators

  • The owner of the package

  • Users with the ALTER ANY PACKAGE privilege