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Data of various types are used to:

  • Define columns in a database table in the CREATE TABLE statement or change columns using ALTER TABLE

  • Declare or change a domain using the CREATE DOMAIN or ALTER DOMAIN statements

  • Declare local variables, return values and parameters in PSQL modules and UDFs — user-defined functions

  • Provide arguments for the CAST() function when explicitly converting data from one type to another

Table 1. Overview of Data Types
Name Size Precision & Limits Description


64 bits

From -263 to (263 - 1)

Signed 64-bit integer.This data type is available in Dialect 3 only


n bytes

from 1 to 32,767 bytes

A fixed-length binary data type;synonym for CHAR(n) CHARACTER SET OCTETSValues shorter than the declared length are padded with NUL (0x00) up to the declared length.If the number of characters is not specified, 1 is used by default.



The size of a BLOB segment is limited to 64K.The maximum size of a BLOB field is 4 GB.

A data type of variable size for storing large amounts of data, such as images, text, digital sounds.The blob subtype defines its content.Depending on the page size, BLOBs can exceed 4 GB, but some built-in functions and features may not be able to access data beyond 4 GB.


1 byte

false, true, unknown

Boolean data type


n characters.Size in bytes depends on the encoding, the number of bytes in a character

from 1 to 32,767 bytes

A fixed-length character data type.Values shorter than the declared length are padded with spaces (0x20) — or NUL (0x00) for character set OCTETS — up to the declared length.If the number of characters is not specified, 1 is used by default.


4 bytes

From 0001-01-01 AD to 9999-12-31 AD

Date only, no time element


64 or 128 bits

dec_prec = 16 or 34, defines the number of decimal digits

Decimal floating-point type, IEEE-754 decimal64 or decimal128.If the precision is not specified, 34 is used by default.

DECIMAL​(precision, scale)

Varying (16, 32, 64 or 128 bits)

precision = from 1 to 38, defines the minimum number of digits to store;scale = from 0 to 38, defines the number of digits after the decimal point

A number with a decimal point that has scale digits after the point.scale must be less than or equal to precision.Example: DECIMAL(10,3) contains a number in exactly the following format: ppppppp.sss


64 bits

2.225 * 10-308 to 1.797 * 10308

Double-precision, IEEE-754 binary64, ~15 digits, reliable size depends on the platform


32 bits

1.175 * 10-38 to 3.402 * 1038

Single-precision, IEEE-754 binary32, ~7 digits


32 or 64 bits

bin_prec = from 1 to 53, binary precision

Binary precision 1 - 24: synonym for FLOAT (32-bit single precision)
25 - 53: synonym for DOUBLE PRECISION (64-bit double precision)


32 bits

-2,147,483,648 up to 2,147,483,647

Signed 32-bit integer


128 bits

From -2127 to (2127 - 1)

Signed 128-bit integer

NUMERIC​(precision, scale)

Varying (16, 32, 64 or 128 bits)

precision = from 1 to 38, defines the minimum number of digits to store;scale = from 0 to 38, defines the number of digits after the decimal point

A number with a decimal point that has scale digits after the point.scale must be less than or equal to precision.Example: NUMERIC(10,3) contains a number in exactly the following format: ppppppp.sss


32 bits


Synonym for FLOAT


16 bits

-32,768 to 32,767

Signed short (word)


4 bytes

0:00 to 23:59:59.9999

Time of day.It cannot be used to store an interval of time.


6 bytes

0:00 to 23:59:59.9999

Time of day with either a time zone offset or named zone.It cannot be used to store an interval of time.


8 bytes

From start of day 0001-01-01 AD to end of day 9999-12-31 AD

Date and time of day


10 bytes

From start of day 0001-01-01 AD to end of day 9999-12-31 AD

Date and time of day with either a time zone offset or named zone.


n bytes

from 1 to 32,765 bytes

Variable length string type;synonym for VARCHAR(n) CHARACTER SET OCTETS.The total size cannot be larger than (32KB-3).The two leading bytes store the declared length.There is no default size: the n argument is mandatory.Leading and trailing NUL characters are stored, and they are not trimmed, except for those trailing characters that are past the declared length.


n characters.Size in bytes depends on the encoding, the number of bytes in a character

from 1 to 32,765 bytes

Variable length string type.The total size of characters in bytes cannot be larger than (32KB-3), taking into account their encoding.The two leading bytes store the declared length.There is no default size: the n argument is mandatory.Leading and trailing spaces are stored, and they are not trimmed, except for those trailing characters that are past the declared length.

Note About Dates

Bear in mind that a time series consisting of dates in past centuries is processed without taking into account the actual historical facts, as though the Gregorian calendar were applicable throughout the entire series.

Integer Data Types

The SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT and INT128 data types are used for integers of various precision in Dialect 3.Firebird does not support an unsigned integer data type.