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A Note on Equality


This note about equality and inequality operators applies everywhere in Firebird’s SQL language.

The “=” operator, which is explicitly used in many conditions, only matches values to values.According to the SQL standard, NULL is not a value and hence two NULLs are neither equal nor unequal to one another.If you need NULLs to match each other in a condition, use the IS NOT DISTINCT FROM operator.This operator returns true if the operands have the same value or if they are both NULL.

select *
  from A join B
  on is not distinct from B.code

Likewise, in cases where you want to test against NULL for a condition of inequality, use IS DISTINCT FROM, not “<>”.If you want NULL to be considered different from any value and two NULLs to be considered equal:

select *
  from A join B
  on is distinct from B.code