Working with the BLOB type
Unlike other BLOB data types are transmitted by the link (BLOBidentifier), and not by value. This is logical, Blob can beenormous, and therefore it is impossible to place them in a fixedwidth buffer. Instead, the so called BLOB identifier is placedin the message buffer, and working with data of the BLOB type iscarried out through the IBlob
Another important feature of the BLOB type is that Blob is anunchanged type, you cannot change the contents of the BLOB with agiven identifier, instead you need to create BLOB with newcontents and the identifier.
Since the size of the BLOB type can be very large, the BLOB datais read and written in portions (segments), the maximum segmentsize is 64 KB. The segment is read by the getSegment
interface`Iblob`. The segment is recorded by the putSegment