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Firebird SQL

Every database management system has its own idiosyncrasies in the ways it implements SQL.Firebird adheres to the SQL standard more rigorously than most other RDBMSes.Developers migrating from products that are less standards-compliant often wrongly suppose that Firebird is quirky, whereas many of its apparent quirks are not quirky at all.

Division of an integer by an integer

Firebird accords with the SQL standard by truncating the result (quotient) of an integer/integer calculation to the next lower integer.This can have bizarre results unless you are aware of it.

For example, this calculation is correct in SQL:

1 / 3 = 0

If you are upgrading from an RDBMS which resolves integer/integer division to a float quotient, you will need to alter any affected expressions to use a float or scaled numeric type for either dividend, divisor, or both.

For example, the calculation above could be modified thus to produce a non-zero result:

1.000 / 3 = 0.333
String delimiter symbol

Strings in Firebird are delimited by a pair of single quote (apostrophe) symbols: 'I am a string' (ASCII code 39, not 96).If you used earlier versions of Firebird’s relative, InterBase®, you might recall that double and single quotes were interchangeable as string delimiters.Double quotes cannot be used as string delimiters in Firebird SQL statements.